They had this sign on the outside of the elevator that I thought was funny.
While waiting for the bus I took pictures of all kinds of things that were interesting to me.
In the bathroom there was a sign for were to line up.
And these things on the inside of the bathroom stall which I'm still unsure of what it is. Is it a bell to let people know someone is inside or a perfume to spray after you do something stinky?
The pay phones had video capability.
And the mini-mart had many interesting options.
Just some of the noodles.
Jerky with peanuts and something I couldn't identify.
The etiquette bell in the bathroom stalls were installed for the 1988 Olympics. In some countries, women flush when they are going #1 so that other people can't hear them. Pushing the button makes the sound of a toilet flushing... thus saving water. Most subway stalls have them. Oh! Remember to go to the last stall in bathrooms... some bathrooms still have the toilets in the ground.