SMS!: Looking back at the 2011 sewing scene, what trends stand out in your mind?
* Bikes, forest animals, aqua with red, modern quilts.
SMS!: What were some of your favorite things?
* My last trip to Happy Quilt with my friends in Korea.
* Coming back to America.
* Passing my comprehensive exam!
* Going to Boston.
* Going to Acapulco.
* Thanksgiving with my family.
SMS!: What did you make that you’re most proud of?
*This is tough but I think I'm going to say the dress I made myself for the Graduation Dinner in Boston.
SMS!: What sewn projects have you seen this year that you absolutely love? Do you have a favorite sewing book or pattern from the past year to recommend?
*So many gorgeous projects to choose from, but I did learn about modern quilting recently and I am head over heals in love.
*I recently purchased the book Simply Charming Modern
SMS!: Are there any trends you’re over and done with?
*Etsy resalers, Etsy Chinese junk, and pretty much Etsy aesthetic in general.
*Women wearing children's prints and child-like clothing. A little is okay but all over is too much.
SMS!: What are your thoughts about social media? How is it going for you? What do you love or hate?
*Facebook pissed me off terribly this year, but I stuck with it and it's gotten a bit better.
*I use Twitter much more than Facebook. My handle is @DarnHeather.
*I've also started using Pintrest and I love the visual layout. You can find me there at If you can tell me how to change my user name I'd appreciate it. The directions on the site don't work, and I don't use funda62 for anything else anymore.
SMS!: What was your favorite fabric collection or print?
Joel Dewberry Aviary 2 for Free Spirit.
SMS!: What do you predict for 2012?
I hope my personal life will be busy and happy. The girls and I plan to spend lots of days at the museums.
SMS!: What blogs do you follow?
*I check True Up at least every other day to see all the new fabric coming out.
* Sew Mama Sew! has wonderful give aways and always inspires me.
*For clothing for me I adore Sewing Fanatic. She's also a larger woman and is always dressed fabulously.
SMS!: Can you tell us anything about what to expect from you in 2012? Any projects or life-changing goals you can share?
*Walk on treadmill 3 to 5 days a week.
*Sew 3 to 5 days a week.
*Read at least 50 books.
*Blog about my projects.
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